Part of a series by the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund that comprises suggestions for teaching and analyzing graphic novels, the following link leads to a blog post at (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund) by Dr. Meryl Jaffe called “Using Graphic Novels in Education: March: Book One.” In this post, Jaffe examines John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell’s March: Book One (Top Shelf, 2013), the first in an autobiographical trilogy covering Representative John Lewis’s central role in the Civil Rights Movement. The post focuses on the multi-modal storytelling weaving together Lewis’s memoir and Powell’s artistic rendering of the narrative. It also provides an overview of the mid-twentieth century movement for civil liberties in the United States; avenues for discussing the social, cultural, and historical issues resonant in the text; lists of complementary readings; and strategies for using March: Book One to promote visual literacy and critical thinking. In addition, Jaffe documents ways in which teaching March: Book One meets Common Core State Standards and covers themes identified by the National Council for the Social Studies. Dr. Jaffe teaches visual literacy and critical reading at Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Online Division and is the author of Raising a Reader! and Using Content-Area Graphic Texts for Learning.
Post: Meryl Jaffe, Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Online Division
Description: Katherine E. Bishop, Miyazaki International College, Japan
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