This fiction-based composition course focused on technology, the arts, and literary expression in nineteenth-century England and the British Empire. Through explorations of poetry, prose, and fiction, students discovered and made arguments about the relationship between technology and art. Project 2, "Digital Dorian: Fin de Siècle E-Books,” asked students to work in groups to design interactive, annotated e-books consisting of a cover and at least two pages of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, designed either for a tablet or computer. To complete the book design, students had to consider the style of the late nineteenth century, including art, book design, and typography. Groups explained their design choices and engaged with close reading of both primary and secondary sources as part of a 500-word rationale, as well as through their annotations within the interactive text. Project 3, an extension of Project 2, asked students to give a 20-minute presentation teaching the class about their group’s design. You can access the full course syllabus, as well as assignment descriptions, at
Course Website: Amanda Golden, Georgia Institute of Technology
Description: Kathryn Huie Harrison, Georgia Institute of Technology
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